Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Grumeti River Lodge

We spent two wonderful days and two nights at the very Beautiful Grumeti River Lodge. It is situated in the Northern Serengeti and as the name states it is on the Grumeti River so pods of hippos lazy happily in the muddy water grunting happily with the occasional territorial spat!! The wildebeest migration was right there although they were a little confused with the late rains this year. We had a brilliant time saw amazing game with our guide Joseph and the Grumeti camp staff were hospitable and totally awesome. The food delicious, I am always amazed and inspired by what the cooks produce out of very basic bush kitchens.

Enjoy the photos!!

Hippo in the Grumeti River below the Lodge

The Pool Deck

The Lodge dining area


Menu of the day


Make your own pizza

Our Room


Boxed Breakfast

We got to Mwiba Camp at 1.30PM,  had a rushed boxed lunch in the mess tent and finished just as we heard the sound of the plane coming in. So we all jumped in the cruiser and headed straight for the Mwiba airstrip and caught the plane back to Arusha. Home by 3.30PM

What a fantastic few days, hope you enjoyed the photos

Kwaheri (goodbye)