Friday, June 29, 2012

Baking with Camie

Best Ever Brownies

185g/6 1/2oz unsalted butter
225g/8oz Good Quality plain chocolate, broken into pieces
50g/2oz milk chocolate, chopped into chunks
85g/3oz plain flour
40g/ 1 1/2oz Cocoa powder
3 large eggs
280g/100oz golden caster sugar

  1. Tip butter, plain and milk chocolate into a double boiler, ensuring that the pot does not touch the water. Over a low heat melt the butter and chocolate stirring occasionally. Remove the bowl from the heat and allow to cool.
  2. Meanwhile heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and position shelf in the middle of the oven. Press 2x7-8cm bands of foil across the base of the tin to form a cross shape to stick up 5cm above the rim on all sides, so you can lift the brownies out easily when cold. Butter the tin well!!
  3. Sift flour and cocoa powder into a bowl.
  4. Break 3 eggs into a large bowl add the sugar and mix with an electric mixer on max speed. Whisk until they become pale and thick and double in volume - about 3-8mins
  5. Pour the cooled chocolate mixture over the eggie mousse, then gently fold together with a spatula without knocking out too much of the air. 
  6. Re-sift flour and cocoa mixture over the cake mixture and lightly fold in until the mixture looks gungy and fudgy. Don't over do the mixing!!
  7. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin, level the top and bake for 40 mins. Open the oven and gently shake the tin, it is ready when the sides are just beginning to come away from the tin. Take out of the oven.
  8. Leave to cool completely. Take out and cut into squares. Will keep for up to 2 weeks in an air tight container and a month in the freezer.

We didn't have a proper brownie tin so made do with this one and it worked out great!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lunch at Shanga, Arusha, Tanzania

Our visit to Shanga is always a delight and this time we were surprised with a range of glassware, "Shanga" means bead in Kiswahili.

Shanga is the most beautiful, soulful, serene place and is home to some of Arusha's disabled folk, providing them a safe work environment. They recycle used glass and aluminum to name a few to create amazing products that are for sale in their beautiful little shop. Shanga also has a delightful restaurant called River House. We make sure we visit Shanga a few times when we are in Arusha for the summer.

hand blown glass flower
Christmas decorations

Elephant hanging mobile

heart hanging mobile

glass bead path tiles

Once you ave enjoyed a tour of Shanga and met the welcoming wonderful men and women who inspire you with their wonderful talents you wonder over to the River House situated at the bottom of the rolling lawns over looking a little spring on the coffee estate.
rolling lawns

River House restaurant

You sit sipping sparkling wine or freshly squeezed fruit juice while you wait to be seated at your table. River House has a very yummy buffet of Tanzanian inspired cuisine.

Tanzania has a strong Indian, African and Arabic influence that comes through in the decor and cuisine.

In the garden

 Hope you enjoyed the little tour, some of the photos are not downloading properly and there is no way to rotate them - very irritating I know!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Road to Stone Town and market, Zanzibar.

 The drive from Anna's to Stone Town was awesome, through coconut plantations where the spices grow amongst the coconut palms. We saw black pepper vines, cinnamon and vanilla trees. We were introduced to the sheli sheli (bread fruit tree) originally from the Seychelles hence the local name Shelisheli. Passion fruit vines, laden banana palms, pawpaw (papaya) trees and fields of mango and guava trees. We drove past rice paddy's and various villages along the way. The people of Zanzibar are happy and friendly and as we got closer to the main city things got crazy and the traffic heavy. Stone Town vegetable and spice market certainly was a smorgasbord for the senses..................

taxi into town

Vegetable & Spice Market


pulses & legumes

Slipper Lobsters

Zanzibar Doors

Old slave mar

Second stop Anna Of Zanzibar.

About an hours drive South East of Mnemba along the coast is Anna of Zanzibar. A very different experience from Mnemba but fab in it's own unique way. It is a small lodge so you don't have to deal with loads of other guests, you can be a private as you like or have company if you wish. Nicky the Lodge manager was great a wonderful hostess!! Anna's is on the Main Island of Zanzibar and is an hour from Stone Town and the airport.
I will post a few photos of Anna's ..... enjoy!!

Anna's of Zanzibar main Lodge/Dining area

Main entrance


Dining area


T.V. /library

View from Veranda

Our rooms were lovely and although you do not have a direct ocean view from your bed you do have a peep at the sea from your private veranda. The beach was very long, great for walking and running, huge coral reefs just off shore but they have been fished out. The fishermen are out at low tide bringing in the catch of the day.

View of the cabin

The Cabin's 
Veranda of cabin

View from cabin veranda

Beautiful Zanzibar doors

Inside Cabin Lily


Lounge chair

Lounge daybed

beautiful handcrafted trunk
Chillin' in the garden