Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A day spent at home.

Through the Jacaranda Trees
Camie's Hedgehog
Well today we just spent at home, enjoying and packing for our trip to Dar es Salaam tomorrow. I went for a run and then to the gym it was just so lovely a real a pick me up and great start to the day. I wish I had my little Jack Russel Zazoo (Zazou) here with me. She is in Texas and oh how she'd love it here!! Camie found a little hedgehog, which she played with for a while and then released back into the bush to be with its family much to my delight. Camie and I then had lunch at Johnny's Bar it was lovely, service a bit slow, but the setting is beautiful over looking a rugby/cricket field so we just had to "smell the roses".

My garden is looking so sweet and even better that I get to enjoy the tranquility of it.
Mouse Bird
Hibiscus Flower
Rose Beetle
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My evening walk was so serene and beautiful, didn't pass a soul out there. It started off a cloudy with the sun peeking through and then the mountain decided to show itself what a beautiful sight in the perfect evening light. They are also just starting to mow and bale all the Roads grass. Kind of makes me feel like I am back on our farm in Zimbabwe. Lovely to have a sense of that!! I got home at about 6pm and made Camie and I a lovely dinner and I sat down and had a glass of Crisp South African Sav Blanc it was delish, so Cheers until tomorrow from Dar xx

Bales if Roads Grass
Mt Meru peeking through
Road through to the Office & Club
Old Horse Stables & Hay Shed with
coffee in the background


  1. Hey Josie Jo, I have seen how to do it... wouldn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out but hey ho!!! Good idea to document your wonderful time and I am going to love the reading of it... gorgeous photos too. Well done you... thanks !!!! Mo xx

    PS: It looks like the only way I can post is to gmail... I can't select a profile, it says I need an ID - anyway I shall post gmail and maybe it will show on the blog, maybe not... love you

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