Monday, June 11, 2012

Afternoon in Arusha

So we set off for Arusha a bit of grocery shopping and some lunch. What a pleasant surprise, the main road was finished, we whipped through town in a flash. A butchery on the corner, had us giggling after HEB in Katy, Tx .............
One thing you do notice is all the well dressed happy faces, the vibrant colours of their clothes. The abundance of fresh produce on every corner is amazing and the beautiful local flower nursery's lining the streets. Basket weavers and mielie (corn) roasters, vender's of every kind!! Everyone has a cell phone and the traffic is a mass of cars, bicycles, motor bikes (piki piki's) men pulling carts laden with anything from apparel to grass. The women balance their kit (mzigo) on their heads, with the posture, fashion and elegance of any fine lady abroad!!
ok, maybe not fashion for these two!!

Then lunch and shopping at the village in Njiro a suburb of very fancy houses in the hills of Arusha.
pub around the side

I love this place but, always nice to get back to the cottage, and go for a long walk to re-group!! Lala Salama y'all

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